Big Picnic at Milestii Mici
Come and have fun with your family or a bunch of friends at the hottest picnic of the spring! “Milestii Mici” will host, on May 25, the best party of the Spring – Big Picnic with the band TAXI.
Everyone will have a rich program of activities for all tastes and ages.
Thus, from 12:00 until late at 20:00, guests will have the opportunity to have fun. There will be organized many FREE activities, including various gourmet contests at speed, wine tastings, excursions through the galleries with the world’s largest collection of wines, included in the Guinness Book of Records and others.
Throughout the day, the atmosphere will be distinguished by the DJs of the MUZ-FM radio station, as well as by the local bands. And finally, the Big Picnic will culminate with an incendiary concert on which the Romanian band TAXI will evolve.
For all those who want to get to the hottest picnic of the year, there will be organized transport that will circulate throughout the event on Garrison Restaurant – “MileştiiMici” – Garrison Restaurant. Restaurant address is Hincesti 2, Chișinău. The travel price is 5 lei in one direction and will be available starting at 11.30.
Prepare your blanket, pet games, good mood and come with the gang to spend a full day that will fill your phone’s memory with many pleasant memories!
Tickets can br purchased at the Milestii Mici store (Chişinău, 45 Mitropolit Bănulescu-Bodoni str.).
The cost of the tickets is 180 lei if purchased in advance and 200 lei on the day of the event. Children up to 12 years of age will be FREE of charge at the event, and those over the age of 12 will have access only with their parents and the entrance ticket.
At the Big Picnic with the TAXI band you will have the most delicious dishes, ranging from traditional local dishes to oriental sweets, which will make you happy!