Emmergency Calls

Useful phone number

Emergency services
Fire-station 112
Police 112
Ambulance 112
Emergency medical service (private) 14112
Pharmacies’ information (drugs) (022) 72 55 01
Traffic police. Duty officer (022) 27 25 01
Office of the found/lost objects (022) 22 33 40
Information office 1188, 1189
Chişinău City Hall (022) 20 17 08
Customs Service (hot line) (022) 27 92 10
Deghest exchange (022) 20 13 27
Department of Migration and Asylum (022) 54 46 07
Transport services
Chişinău International Airport (022) 52 51 11
Chişinău railway station. Information (022) 83 27 33
Auto station Center. Information (022) 54 21 85
Auto station South. Information (022) 72 39 83
Auto station North.  Information (022) 41 13 38
Taxi services 14022, 14005, 14008, 14009, 14120, 14415, 14222, 14250, 14428, 14747, 14448, 14499, 14554, 14555, 14466, 14700, 14474, 14777
International organizations
EBRD (022) 21 00 00
Helsinki Committee for Human Rights (022) 22 26 18
IMF (022) 23 32 32
NATO Information and Documentation Center (022) 57 78 24
U.S. Peace Corps (022) 54 50 20
Municipal Executive Committee of the Red Cross (022) 72 96 44
Soros Foundation Moldova (022) 27 00 31
OSCE Moldova (022) 22 34 95
World Bank representative (022) 20 07 06
Office of the Council of Europe in Republic of Moldova (022) 20 23 04
UNDP Moldova Office  (including UNFPA) (022) 22 00 45
UNAIDS Moldova Office (022) 85 59 72
UNESCO National Commission (022) 23 53 55
UNHCR Moldova Office (022) 27 18 53
UNICEF Moldova Office (022) 22 00 34
The Post office of Moldova (022) 27 00 44
Moldtelecom, Unite (022) 57 01 01
Orange Moldova (022) 57 57 57
Moldcell (022) 44 44 44